Social Working: LJ7
Every time I see debates and discussion about allowing employees to use social media at work, I start to get a bit anxious. I hate the idea of being monitored the entire time I am working and it honestly feels like a major invasion of privacy. While I understand that there are those who use social media instead of working and allow it to decrease their performance, I feel that it's unfair to group everyone who uses social media at work into the same group. Like Firmplay (2020) states, it is impossible to completely block social media use anymore. Not only is it useful for some work functions, whether it be your job in general or answering questions, it can help some peoples' productivity (Businesswire 2018). This is the camp I find myself in. Often when doing homework or have been doing work for an internship, I need to have something playing in the background on Youtube. This could be music, a random video, or a documentary, but something I don't need to pay too close of a...