Media and Social Networking For Me
Media are the means through which people communicate. Some media can be small in scale, such as letters and emails, which other media are mass media, such as television or blogs. Media allow messages to be sent and enable information to be spread. Each medium has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own uses and drawbacks. Social media, then, is the use of online media to communicate on both a large and small scale with people from all over the world. Social networking is an act facilitated through media, especially newer mass and social medias, but does not require it. Social networking is the act of connecting with people and gaining contacts through experience and communication. This can be done in person through internships or online through social media. Currently I use very few social media sites. These include Twitter, DeviantArt, Twitch, Discord, GroupMe, LinkedIn, Indeed, and Instagram. Many of these sites are used for enterta...