Time Diary- Assignment 3

 I decided to track my usage of YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch. Because I mainly tracked my use over the weekend so that I could include the two days I use Twitch, the length of time I used each one is likely greater than it would be during the week due to classes and homework, however I don't think this made too great a difference and used my busiest class day, Thursday, to even it out. 

YouTube was my most used app, with time used ranging from 4.5 hours and 7 hours a day, averaging 5.5 hours a day over these four days. I used YouTube the most on Sunday and Saturday, which is not a surprise as those days I have the most free time. I often use YouTube as background noise, playing music or videos while I do other things to help keep me from feeling bored or under-stimulated. However, when I am walking, in class, or doing certain homework assignments I prefer to go without this background noise. I almost always use my iPhone for YouTube, as it is the most convenient and portable device I have. When I watch Youtube, I often go for channels I am familiar with and like the content of or series that I have been working on. This weekend I was working through season 2 of "The Magnus Archives", a podcast, so much of my YouTube use was directed towards it. 

Twitter is the other app I use daily, though I use it much less than Youtube. Each day I recorded, I didn't even use it for an hour, averaging around 44 minutes of use a day. This makes sense as I only really use Twitter to browse art and images a few times a day and do not often actively engage with much on it. I tend to use Twitter on my laptop because it is easier to use than on my iPhone or iPad, with scrolling and liking being easier with a mouse.

Twitch is an odd inclusion as, while I used it for a total of five hours over the weekend, I only use Twitch over the weekend. This is because I only tend to watch one artist who streams every Saturday and Sunday for two and three hours respectively. Out of these three apps, Twitch is my most "social". I use it not only to watch art but also to interact with the streamer, Fosbat, and the other regulars in the chat such as Lewis and Roudy. I stream Twitch on my laptop because it is my largest screen, it is the device I'm already logged into Twitch on, and it is easier to communicate in the chat due to the keyboard of my laptop. 

As a very schedule-oriented person with OCPD, I have strong habits surrounding social media use and, as such, used these apps at generally similar times. I always watch YouTube while I eat meals, while scrolling through Twitter, and while I'm doing some forms of homework or hobbies. However, I will not use YouTube while writing or while walking. Twitter is the most regimented, as I scroll through my feed once after breakfast before doing other things for the day, once in the afternoon after classes and lunch, and usually once in the evening before going to bed. This is so I can see new uploads and to help break up my day. Instead of making my Twitch use follow my own schedule, I have altered my schedule around Twitch as Fosbat has two scheduled days and times that they stream. It gives me something to look forward to every weekend and gives me something to do while working on homework or sitting around over the weekend. The time of the semester does not tend to affect my use as, generally, I have similar amounts of work throughout the whole semester and rather changes in my schedule, such as cancelled classes or parental visits, are more liable to affect my media usage.


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